
My Name is Julie and I'm addicted to School Supplies

And chocolate.

By Julie Hall - Publisher/Editor for Macaroni Kid Gettysburg July 26, 2017

I’ve had a pretty great week so far. I’ve gone school supply shopping, my Seven Secrets to Taming Your Toddler Like a Boss article has been shared over 1,000 times!! AND, Hershey just announced that one of my favorite TV personalities, Trevor Noah from The Daily Show will be there in concert on September 15th. What a perfect way to spend some kid-free time! Pre-sale starts today, just enter the offer code: TEMPO.

Can you believe that the school year is right around the corner? WHAT? ALREADY? Although let’s face it, as much as the kids hate it, it’s kind of a good feeling to send them back. Plus, who doesn’t love shopping for back to school supplies? I’m not sure what it is about office and school supplies but I just love them. Sticky notes and Sharpies and color coded tabs, it is heaven! If you’re not the in-store shopping type, check out Minnow and Mars. You can do your back to school shopping right from home.

Speaking of back to school, do I have any teachers in the house? What are your favorite school supplies to receive from parents throughout the school year? I want to put a list together so that parents like myself who want to contribute know exactly what to give. Please email me and let me know which grade you teach and what kind of school supplies make your job easier! 

I look forward to getting those emails!


Are you a local business with great offers for back to school? Maybe an afternoon program or great sales? I'd love to work with you to get your business noticed by our buyers!