
Codorus State Park Earth Day Clean Up

By Friends of Codorus State Park April 14, 2024

 Come out to the park to get things ready for the season April 20 at 9am! 

The jobs that are assigned vary depending on the needs of the park, but have included raking leaves, picking up trash, cleaning park equipment, etc. A great way to spend time outside!

Light refreshments will be served before work tasks are assigned.

Meet at Pavilion 1. (Use the road leading to the Swimming Pool - 1699 Blooming Grove Rd and drive about 1/2 mi. Look for pavilions on your right before you reach the pool lots.)

All equipment will be provided, just bring some work gloves, if you have them, water bottle and wear appropriate footwear.

Pre-registration is appreciated.

For full details, please contact the park education specialist: (717) 637-3454 or email: